1. The design of the U-shaped steel bracket effectively achieves an optimal stress state, ensuring uniform pressure distribution upon the pipe wall after filling and compacting. Unlike other rigid supports, U-shaped steel supports boast impressive retractable capabilities and reliability, adeptly accommodating the load and deformation of soft surrounding rock. These supports offer high section utilization rates, convenient installation, minimal maintenance, and a remarkable recycling rate, thus significantly reducing the use of pit materials and delivering substantial environmental benefits.
2. U-shaped steel brackets for mining are characterized by their ability to withstand substantial pressure, provide long-term support, and facilitate easy assembly and installation while being resistant to replacement. These attributes make them an indispensable component in the mining industry.
3. The application of U-shaped steel supports in mining roadway bifurcation points has demonstrated exceptional effectiveness and is highly favored within the mining machinery industry. The strategic U-shaped design ensures optimal stress distribution, allowing the pipe wall to be uniformly compressed after filling and compaction. When subjected to the pressure of surrounding rock, the support mechanism adapts by producing the necessary counter-pressure, mitigating external stress, and reducing operational risks. These supports excel under high-pressure conditions, offer prolonged support duration, and are easy to install without deformation.