1.The design of U-shaped steel bracket "U-shaped" U-shaped assembly is actuallyto achieve a better stress state. After filling and compacting the pipe wall, it ispressurized uniformly. Compared with other rigid supports, U-shaped steel supportshave the characteristics of retractable ability and reliability, adapt to the load anddeformation of soft surrounding rock, high utilization rate of section, convenientsupport back, small maintenance, high recycling rate of support, reduce the use ofpitmaterials,environmental benefits are very obvious.
2.U-shaped steel bracket for mining u shaped steel bracket main characteristics:under pressure, support point for a long time,easy assembly is not easy to replaceand so on.
3.U-shaped steel support, the application of U-shaped steel support in miningroadway bifurcation point has achieved remarkable results, and is favored by themajority of mining machinery industry. In fact, the design of "U" shaped U-shapedassembly is to achieve a better stress state, so that the pipe wall is uniformlycompressed after filling and compac tion. For the pressure value of surrounding rockat a certain time when the U-shaped assembly is installed, the support can producepressure, relieve the press from the outside, and reduce the risk of mining underthe operation.U-shaped steel bracket under high pressure, long support time, easyinstallation is not easy to deformation