1. The ingenious design of the U-shaped steel bracket, known as the 'U-shaped' assembly, ensures optimal stress distribution. Once the pipe wall is filled and compacted, it experiences uniform pressure. Unlike other rigid supports, U-shaped steel supports are renowned for their retractable capability and reliability. They adeptly accommodate the load and deformation of soft surrounding rock, ensuring superior section utilization. This design also facilitates convenient support reinforcement, minimal maintenance, high recyclability, and significantly reduces the use of pit materials, delivering remarkable environmental benefits.
2. The U-shaped steel bracket for mining boasts several key features: it withstands substantial pressure, offers long-lasting support, and is easily assembled, making replacement seldomly necessary.
3. U-shaped steel supports have demonstrated exceptional performance at the bifurcation points of mining roadways, gaining widespread acclaim within the mining machinery industry. The 'U-shaped' assembly design optimizes stress distribution, ensuring uniform compression of the pipe wall after it is filled and compacted. Upon installation, the U-shaped support effectively manages the pressure exerted by the surrounding rock, alleviating external stress and enhancing operational safety. These supports excel under high pressure, provide prolonged support, and are easy to install without deformation.