1. The U-shaped steel bracket has been meticulously designed to optimize stress distribution. The 'U-shaped' assembly ensures uniform pressurization of the pipe wall after filling and compaction. Distinguished from other rigid supports, U-shaped steel brackets offer remarkable retractability and reliability. They adeptly accommodate the load and deformation of soft surrounding rock, boast a high utilization rate of sections, facilitate convenient support restoration, demand minimal maintenance, and have a high recycling rate. Moreover, they significantly reduce the use of pit materials, leading to substantial environmental benefits.
2. Key characteristics of the U-shaped steel bracket for mining include its extraordinary pressure endurance, prolonged support duration, and straightforward assembly, which is not easily compromised or replaced.
3. The application of U-shaped steel support at mining roadway bifurcation points has yielded outstanding results, earning widespread acclaim in the mining machinery industry. The 'U-shaped' assembly design aims to achieve superior stress states, ensuring uniform compression of the pipe wall post-filling and compaction. When installed, the U-shaped assembly can produce pressure to counteract external forces, alleviating mining pressure and reducing operational risks. These brackets are renowned for their high-pressure endurance, extended support time, and ease of installation without deformation.