1. The ingenious design of our U-shaped steel bracket assembly ensures an optimal stress distribution. Once the pipe wall is filled and compacted, it experiences uniform pressurization. Compared to other rigid supports, our U-shaped steel supports offer superior retractability and reliability. They adeptly accommodate the loads and deformations of soft surrounding rock, boast high sectional utilization rates, allow for convenient support retrieval, require minimal maintenance, and have exceptionally high recycling rates. Additionally, they significantly reduce the use of pit materials, delivering substantial environmental benefits.
2. Our U-shaped steel bracket for mining is characterized by its robust pressure resistance and long-lasting support. Notably easy to assemble, it maintains its form and functionality over extended periods, making replacements infrequent and maximizing operational efficiency.
3. The application of our U-shaped steel support at mining roadway bifurcation points has garnered outstanding results, earning widespread acclaim within the mining machinery industry. The 'U' shaped assembly is specifically designed for superior stress management. By uniformly compressing the pipe wall after filling and compacting, it adapts effectively to the surrounding rock's pressure, producing internal support to mitigate external stress. This reduces operational risks significantly. Under high pressure, our U-shaped steel bracket provides extended support, is easily installed, and resists deformation, ensuring reliable performance throughout its use.